Monday, June 8, 2009

the HSC makes us all...

note to self :DONT BLOG WHEN TRYING TO STUDY FOR YEARLIES TOMOROW! woah way too much coffee flying around right now. You know when you are walking around Central station and you can tell the ice addicts cause they are twitching and looking around alot.. thats me in a nutshell right now...ahh but its so worth it, a few olsens annonymous that i've been saving. i want to recreate every single thing they are wearing and become a complete clone, oui oui!
(further note to self : loading pictures takes flippin ages sometimes "fucking hurry *twitch* the mother *twitch* fucker up = becoming an irritable coffee fiend right now)
futher note to self... re: the 3rd picture = GET A NATE!

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  1. haha twitch twitch love watching smackies
    especially when they hustle us for money

  2. Oh I love a good old Olsen twin picture post. It can do no wrong.
